Reverse movie reviews #2
Whats the story about on this one? How much do you think they had for a budget? I should let you know that they don't have the rights to the Aerosmith song...
Whats the story about on this one? How much do you think they had for a budget? I should let you know that they don't have the rights to the Aerosmith song...
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so some rich guy gets to travel the world and sleep with random women in exotic places, does look like the best movie in the world, but whatever works I guess.
Wintermute pretty much nailed it. "Adventures of a rich dude"
Great post, enjoyed the video.
Is this the guy from How I Met Your Mother?
yes that is the same actor. The budget was 300k, which while the movie is not a favorite of mine, I think it was an ambitious project with that sort of budget.
wow, what an excellent Idea.
Reverse movie? That is awesome haha
Would'nt mind doing this myself lol. following.
Hmmmmm... This guy looks really familiar
Isn't that the guy from Malcolm in the middle, he looks similar from the one in How I Met Your Mother though. I enjoyed the trailer!
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